Social Impact

Often referred to as "Innovative Finance”, gaming is an efficient method for governments to raise funds for social development projects that offer long-term impact on the population.

The current model is able to generate significant contributions each year, accelerating the development of projects earmarked to benefit society. Usually, the pre-defined benefits of gaming revenues have the most significant impact on lower-income populations, in areas such as:
  • Educational facilities
  • Care for the elderly
  • Construction/operation of schools, sports and community centers
  • Low-income housing
  • Health care, construction of hospitals or medical facilities
  • After-school sports and cultural activities
  • National infrastructure
  • Charitable organizations

Health Care

Community Centers

Sports Facilities


After School Activities

Elderly Care

National Infrastructure

Low Income Housing

Royalties generated from the various government-sponsored licenses serve as an economic wellspring for financing these and other important endeavors, for which budgets are not readily available.

By earmarking royalties for specific projects, the government provides the public – as well as tourists – an added incentive for participating in the games.

In addition to the significant, ongoing funding provided by lotteries and gaming, this global growth industry also contributes to employment, both directly and indirectly. While individuals are hired or compensated for operating the games, large numbers of people are required to construct new facilities and to operate programs within them. The social impact is clearly far-reaching – economically and socially.

Gaming management is tailored to the regulations and norms of each country, while operating with full transparency to ensure the far-reaching social impact afforded by these vehicles.